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The Kickoff Call

Your onboarding process begins with the Kickoff Call. This article explains what to expect and how best to prepare

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

Having signed up for OpenAsset, your onboarding process will begin with a call with your dedicated Implementation Manager. This first call will primarily be a discovery discussion for our team to understand who your team is, your current workflows, and what brought you to OpenAsset. We will make sure to take this opportunity to set out your strategic goals for OpenAsset.

This article covers:

What can you expect during a Kickoff Call?

During this call, you and your team will have a high-level discussion with the Implementation Manager to establish:

  • who the primary contacts and active participants in the implementation phase will be from your firm

  • your current workflows on how your search for project information, photography, and produce marketing materials as well as which tools your firm uses

  • a target timeline for the onboarding of OpenAsset - typically this takes between 4-6 months depending on the scope of the project and the resources available

Your Implementation Manager will be able to answer any questions you or your team have about best practices as well as expected timelines for the implementation project.

How can you best prepare for the Kickoff Call?

To make sure your call is productive, we recommend giving some thought to these questions:

Who is responsible for keeping this project on track?

We will be asking for who the Onboarding “Champion” will be as well as any additional contacts we should be keeping in the loop with onboarding communications.

What are your team’s current workflows and how do you believe OpenAsset will help?

We want to understand what brought you to OpenAsset! We know the value that our system can provide in regards to efficiency and accessibility - but we’d like to know what is specific to your firm.

Is your team up to speed?

For the members of your team that will be participating in the implementation project, it’s helpful to share with them the reasons you’ve decided to purchase an OpenAsset subscription. If you can illustrate to your team members the improvements to workflows and the time savings that will be delivered, along with the vision you have for our partnership, securing user buy-in will be much easier.

What happens after the call?

After the kick-off call, the next couple of calls will focus on educating you and your team so that you have all of the information you need to make an action plan for your system and onboarding. On your kick-off call, we will schedule your next two calls:

  • OpenAsset Overview: We’ll demo an overview of OpenAsset’s capabilities and features. We find that it’s important we’re all speaking the same language from the start and that often some time has passed since your team has seen a recent demo! Here we can identify which features will be a priority for your onboarding.

  • Planning & Strategy Call: On this call, we’ll develop a plan for how we are getting your content (Files, Documents, Project Photography, Employee Headshots etc.) into OpenAsset. We’ll also discuss how we are getting relevant information into OpenAsset (i.e. project descriptions, market sector etc.). The methods on how to migrate content will also be discussed.

Beyond that, we have separate touch bases for any applicable Templates, Employee Module or Connectors. After this education stage, your team will have all you need to send us the content to migrate into your system. Transitioning to action in OpenAsset, post-migrating content - we’ll move onto working within your OpenAsset system with your migrated content.

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