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Our Approach to Launching OpenAsset

An overview of the steps taken in preparation for launch, and to ensure your future successful adoption of OpenAsset

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over 2 years ago

Our Customer Success team has successfully launched OpenAsset to more than 750 OpenAsset Clients. While each launch is different, there are a few milestone conversations that you will have with your Customer Success Manager to ensure the introduction of OpenAsset to new users goes off without a hitch! This article outlines the important steps and discussions your Customer Success Manager will have with your team after onboarding has been completed.

We define the ‘Adoption’ as the period of time after onboarding where your team is introduced to your system for the first time. We consider this phase to be critical as it’s the moment you start incorporating OpenAsset into your team’s existing workflows. It’s during this period that your Customer Success Manager will monitor your team’s progress in incorporating OpenAsset into your existing workflows and ensure all your team’s questions are answered.


Pre-Launch of OpenAsset

Leading up to the launch of your OpenAsset system, we will schedule a series of sessions to prepare and train your team. This involves four key conversations. We’ll also have monthly check-ins as applicable.

  • Adopting Kick-Off: The first conversation will include your Implementation Manager. The main purpose of this is to understand your story and align on goals. We’ll quickly summarize and celebrate outcomes from onboarding and talk through next steps. We’ll discuss the timeline associated with these upcoming conversations, confirm what success looks like to your team, and schedule the following calls to keep our momentum.

    • We’ll share an ‘OpenAsset Core User Workflows’ survey that you can strategically send your users to capture their current workflows prior to launch. This will be measured again post-launch to compare results.

  • Driving Adoption 101 Sessions: After our Adoption Kick-Off, we will hold two important sessions on core user essentials. These 30-minute sessions will be a hybrid of educational and working sessions to determine any key features or small gaps in knowledge of your system that we can tackle prior to launch. Depending on the topic you may invite different stakeholders to each conversation. We typically prefer these two sessions to be scheduled within one week. The sessions are:

  • Use 101: Document Creation Use Cases & Best Practices: We’ll educate your team on the benefits and best ways to leverage OpenAsset’s InDesign Plugin and collateral use-cases. We’ll also review your current permissions related to accessing assets, as well as ask important questions to determine which features will be most beneficial to your team’s current workflows.

  • Search 101: Data Structures & Improved Searchability: We will recap on the configuration of your system’s data structure and explore how best to layer project and file metadata to find what you’re looking for. We’ll also review albums, and company saved searches to design search workflows specific to your team.

  • Launch Planning & Strategy Call: During this call we’ll develop internal communication plans and build excitement around the launch of OpenAsset. With a Communications Guide, Launch Deck, and Pre-Launch Checklist we’ll make sure that we’re covering all of our bases so you can confidently roll out OpenAsset.

Launching OpenAsset

We’ll work with you to define what timelines make the most sense for your varying user groups. OpenAsset can facilitate all of your training sessions, serve a hybrid role, or simply a support role. The level of support you need to handle the launch session or sessions will be determined in the previous planning and strategy call. While we have a variety of basic workflows we cover for everyone, we can customize it to suit your requirements or play more of a partner role with your internal teams running the show as well. Whatever the approach - we’re here to help!

Post-Launch of OpenAsset

After your launch session(s) with OpenAsset, we prefer to have ongoing monthly check-ins to ensure your team is on the right track. That being said, we strongly recommend that your team has the following key conversations with us:

  • Post-Training Check-In: This is a short follow-up to ensure all outstanding questions that occurred during launch sessions have been addressed and answered. We’ll also review common post-launch checklist items like email communications and Intranet updates so your team has the resources they need to feel supported.

  • Workflows With OpenAsset: Approximately 3 months post-launch, we will have a session with applicable administrators and champions of OpenAsset to discuss how your team has incorporated OpenAsset into its current workflows.

  • Key Stakeholders Regroup: Approximately 6 months post-launch, we will ensure all key stakeholders and contract decision makers are present to discuss what is working and what could be improved within your system. Usage metrics will be shared at this time, as well as comparing results from user surveys of core workflows (if applicable).

  • Executive Business Review: Approximately 9-12 months post-launch, we will review progress of your first year of adopting OpenAsset. We’ll discuss your future business goals and how OpenAsset can align with you on achieving them.

By partnering with our Customer Success Team, your business will be able to achieve the time to value on the goals you set forth from the beginning of this implementation. The Customer Success Team will continue to provide guidance and support for you as you continue to grow your business with OpenAsset.

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