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Understanding Taxonomies

Taxonomies are important as they keep your Files and Projects organized and searchable.

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

Project and File Taxonomies

Taxonomies in OpenAsset are the organizational structure for Keywords that you use to tag your Files and Projects. By keeping your Keywords neatly organized in a Taxonomy, your OpenAsset administrator helps to ensure that Keywords make sense to the wider organization, are easily searchable and remain uncluttered.

Your OpenAsset system will have multiple Taxonomies:

Project Taxonomy

Keywords attached to Projects are used to describe them and make them easier to find. For example, Project Keywords can describe things like the 'Building Type' or 'Services Supplied'.

There is one Project Taxonomy for the Keywords that are attached to Projects.

These Keywords will be automatically tagged to all Files within the project, meaning your users can search Files by their Project’s Keywords. This can save you a lot of time in making Files searchable without investing a lot of time tagging your Files directly.

File Taxonomies

Keywords attached to Files are used to describe them and make them easier to find. For example, with images of buildings, their Keywords can describe the 'Architectural Features' or 'Building Materials' seen in the images.

There are multiple File Taxonomies, one for each category of Files. So if you have File Categories for 'Project Files', 'Reference Files' and 'Brand Files', there will be three File Taxonomies, one for each File Category.

You can read more about File Categories here.

The table below provides examples of both Project and File Taxonomies.

Keyword Categories

Within each Taxonomy you can have multiple Categories of Keywords. Keyword Categories are customisable so you can have as many as you wish.

As mentioned above, Keyword Categories for File Keywords might be things like 'Architectural Features' or 'Building Materials'.

Keyword Categories for Project Keywords might be things like 'Building Type' or 'Services Supplied'. Remember, these will be tagged on ALL Files within the Project.


Each Keyword Category can contain as many Keywords as you wish. In order to tag a File or Project with a Keyword, it must already exist in your Taxonomies. This allows you to maintain semantic control over your tagging.

Now that you understand how Taxonomies work in OpenAsset, you can learn about how to manage your Taxonomies here.

Taxonomy Examples

Taxonomy Type


Keyword Category and Keyword Examples

Project Taxonomy

Used to describe Projects.

Project Keywords are also automatically applied to the Files within them so they can be used to search on Files directly.

Building Type

  • Residential

  • Commercial

Services Supplied

  • Architecture

  • Consultancy

Project File Taxonomy

Used to describe individual Files within a Project

Architectural Features

  • Balcony

  • Stairs

Building Materials

  • Glass

  • Steel

Reference File Taxonomy

Used to describe individual Reference Files

Building Type

  • Residential

  • Commercial

Brand File Taxonomy

Used to describe individual Brand Files

Image Type

  • Logos

  • Icons

Employee File Taxonomy

Used to describe individual Employee Files

Image Type

  • Head Shot

  • Group Shot

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