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Managing your Taxonomies

Learn how to manage Categories and Keywords within your Taxonomies

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

Please note, we advise you to read Understanding Taxonomies first.

This article covers:

Opening the Taxonomy Manager

If you have permission to manage your Taxonomies, you will see 'Taxonomy Manager' once you select the Settings cog.

Click the 'Taxonomy Manager' link and you will be taken to a screen like this.

Navigating to another Taxonomy

If you’d like to see a different Taxonomy to the one you’re on, there is a menu on the left hand side.

Note: you’ll have one Project Taxonomy and multiple File Taxonomies. There’s one File Taxonomy for each File Category that you have.

Adding new Keyword Categories

To add a new Keyword Category, Click the 'Add Keyword Category' button in the top right.

You’ll then be able to enter the Categories that you’d like to add.

Reordering Keyword Categories

You’re able to set the order that Keyword Categories are displayed in OpenAsset. To do this click the 'Reorder Categories' button in the top right.

You’ll be taken to a screen like this.

From here you can drag the Keyword Categories to the order that you prefer. Then Click the 'Save' button at the top.

Renaming a Keyword Category

To change the name of a Keyword Category, open the 'More' menu on the Category row and choose the 'Rename Category' option. The category name will become editable. When you are happy with the new name, click 'Save'.

Deleting Keyword Categories

To delete a Category, open the 'More' menu on the Category row, then choose the 'Delete Category' option.

You will then need to confirm that you really want to delete the Category. Note that deleting a Category will delete all of the Keywords within it and will untag all the Keywords from the Files/Projects, so please be certain that you really want to do this!

Collapsing and Expanding Categories

You might have a lot of Keyword Categories in your Taxonomy so it might be helpful to collapse the ones that you are not working on. To collapse or expand all Keyword Categories, use the 'Expand all' and 'Collapse all' links at the top.

You can expand or collapse individual categories by clicking anywhere on a Category row.

Searching for a Keyword

If you are looking for a particular Keyword, you can search for it by typing in the 'Filter by Keyword' field at the top.

This will show any Keywords that match your search, including those in collapsed Categories.

Changing the order of Keywords

To change the order that Keywords are presented in the Taxonomy manager, you can use the 'Sort Keywords' menu. This will sort the Keywords within the Keyword Category.

This enables sorting by:

  • Their name alphabetically

  • The number of Projects or Files that they are attached to

Finding Keywords by usage

By each category name you can see the number of Keywords total within the category, and the number of Keywords that are actually being used (attached to Files or Projects).

Each Keyword displays a number. This is the number of Files or Projects that are attached.

If you would like to see all of the Keywords with no or low usage, you can sort by the number of attached Projects/Files. Understanding low Keyword usage might lead you to remove those Keywords or use them to tag additional Files/Projects.

Adding Keywords

To add Keywords, move your mouse cursor over a Category row and click the 'Add Keywords' button.

You’ll then be able to add one or more Keywords to the field provided. Keywords must be unique within each category, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally creating duplicates.

Click 'Add' to add them to the Category.

Note that you can also add Keywords on the Project or File page itself. Learn how to do this for Projects, here, and for Files, here.

Renaming a Keyword

To rename a Keyword, click the Keyword name. You will then see a field where you can type your changes. This will be applied to all Files that currently have that Keyword tagged.

Click 'Save' to set the new Keyword name.

Selecting Keywords

Multiple Keywords can be selected at the same time so that action can be taken on them, for instance, deleting low usage Keywords. To select a Keyword, click its check circle icon.

You can see how many Keywords that you have selected at the top.

If you would like to Select or Deselect all the Keywords within a Category, you can use the 'Select All' / 'Deselect All' options within the 'More' menu on each Category row.

Deleting Keywords

If you would like to delete some Keywords, select the ones that you want to delete then click the 'Delete' button on the right hand side.

You will then need to confirm that you really want to delete the Keywords.

Note: deleting the Keywords will remove them from all tagged Files and Projects, so please be certain that you really want to do this!

Moving Keywords to another Category

If you would like to move Keywords to another category, select the ones that you want to move, then click the 'Move' button on the right hand side.

You will then see a screen that confirms the Keywords that you are moving and set the category that you would like to move them to. Click the 'Move' button once you are happy.

You will be notified if Keywords of the same name exist in the category that you are moving to. These keywords will not be moved.

Merging Keywords together

If you would like to merge one or more Keywords into one, select all of the Keywords that you would like to merge together then click the 'Merge' button on the right hand side.

You will then see a screen that confirms the Keywords that you are merging and lets you select the Keyword that you want to merge into. Click the 'Merge' button once you are happy.

Viewing Files or Projects related to Keywords

If you would like to see the Files or Projects related to specific Keywords, select the Keywords that you are interested in, then click the 'View Files' or 'View Projects' button on the right hand side.

You will then be taken to the File or Projects search results page filtered by the Keywords that you selected.

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