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Editing Information and Keywords for Individual Uploaded Files
Editing Information and Keywords for Individual Uploaded Files

This article shows you how to edit metadata stored in editable fields and tag your assets with keywords

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

One of the main functions of OpenAsset is to enable you to quickly add metadata and keywords to files, so that they become searchable within your system.

For an overview of editing file information and keywords, watch the video below:

Editing File Information

When you select a file, metadata is accessible within the 'File Info' tab. If you have the relevant permissions, fields within this tab can be edited. Editable fields are highlighted when you hover over them and any mistakes can be corrected using the ‘Undo’ button.

Editing File Keywords

File Keywords are accessible within the 'Keywords' tab. This menu has been designed to make the process of tagging images with useful keywords as straightforward as possible.

The menu is divided into three sections: ‘Suggested’, ‘Your Taxonomy’, and ‘Attached’.

The Suggested section is specific to image files and this section is designed to speed up your tagging process. It uses AI technology to suggest keywords that are relevant to the selected image. Keywords highlighted in dark blue are those keywords that already exist in your taxonomy. Keywords highlighted in light blue are those that do not exist in your taxonomy and therefore will need to be added to a Keyword Category before being tagged to the image. Learn more about Suggested Keywords in this article.

The Your Taxonomy section outlines all the keywords within your firm's taxonomy. The keywords are grouped by type and selected keywords are highlighted green, helping you to easily identify any useful tags that are missing from your image.

The Attached Keywords section outlines the keywords that are already applied to this particular file. They can describe the contents of the image, such as the building type and materials, as well as attributes of the file, like whether it is a photo or a plan.

Creating a Keyword

As well as creating Keywords through the Taxonomy manager, you can create Keywords on the File page in three different ways. Note that you will need Keyword Permissions to create a new Keyword in any of these ways.

The first way to do this is via the Suggested Keyword section. By selecting a light blue keyword (ie. one that is not in your taxonomy), you will be prompted to add it to your taxonomy by assigning it to a Keyword Category.

The second way is via the Your Taxonomy search bar. If the Keyword you are searching for doesn't exist, you will be prompted to create this Keyword. You will then need to choose a Keyword category to assign the Keyword to. Once created, this Keyword will be auto-assigned to the File you are on.

The third way to create a Keyword is by clicking the + icon next to the relevant Keyword category. Once a Keyword has been created in this way, you will need to apply it to a File as outlined in the section below.

Applying a Keyword to an Asset

To attach a keyword to an asset, you can select it from either the 'Your Taxonomy' menu or the ‘Suggested’ menu. You can also search for specific keywords using the Search menu. All attached keywords will live in the ‘Attached’ section and will be highlighted in green.

Tip: you can navigate between images to speed up the process of tagging groups of images, as in the example below.

To find out more about tagging multiple images, click here.

Remove a Keyword from an Asset

To remove a keyword, hover over the attached keyword and it will flash red. Then select the keyword.

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