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Configuring Single Sign-On with Okta

How to configure Single Sign-On for OpenAsset with Okta

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

Working with our Support Team, you can configure OpenAsset to work with your Okta SSO service.

Please provide us with the following information, which should be coming from your Okta authorization server.

You will need to:

  1. Create an Application for OpenAsset in Okta with a Platform as "Web" and Sign on method as "OpenID Connect".

2. Apply **Login redirect URIs**: https://[your-domain]

Note: the "OAuth" portion is case sensitive, so please enter it just like that.

We will need from you:

  1. Your **/.well-known/openid-configuration (eg. https://[your-domain], which should come in one of the formats below:**

2. Your **Client ID** and **Client Secret**

If you have any questions, our Support Team are happy to help.

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