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Configuring User Notifications

How to send notifications to groups of users for specified actions in OpenAsset

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

Notifications enable groups of users, such as System Administrators, to have greater visibility of how files are added to, removed from and shared within your OpenAsset system.

Notifications can be configured for the following actions in OpenAsset:

Before setting up any notifications on your system, we recommend that you get in contact with your Customer Success Manager to discuss the options available.

Once you have a clear understanding of the notifications you require, this article will take you through the steps to set everything up.

Setting Up a Group

Notifications need to be assigned to groups of users. This is essentially the principle of the feature, hence as a first step you need to have a group of users ready to assign the notification to.

To find out how to set up a group in OpenAsset click here.

Setting Up a Notification

Regardless of whether you are looking to create an email or pop-up notifications, the method for setting them up is practically the same.

By this stage you should have a specific group set up to target the notifications at, and if you are looking to set up email notifications you should have the email feature linked to your OpenAsset system.

To start setting up a notification navigate to the group's settings. You can get to this section by navigating to 'Security' > 'Groups' within the Settings menu.

Select 'Edit' next to the relevant Group.

Select the 'Notification Rules' tab from the menu to the left of the page, then click the 'Add Notification Type Rule' button.

From the pop-up menu, select the type of action that you wish to trigger a notification then select 'Save'.

The following pop-up window gives you the option to choose which methods you would like to use to notify the group. You can choose to send In-browser alerts, emails, or both. Email notifications will be sent to the address that users log into OpenAsset with.

As seen in the window above, there is a 'Locked' checkbox. Selecting the 'Locked' option for will stop any individual user from within this group being able to modify that area of the notification in their own settings. If a user does modify the notification in their own settings, this does not effect the group's settings.

For example, if it has been set so that the notifications come in the form of pop-ups for everyone attached to that group then, as long as you haven't locked the 'In-browser alert' option, if a user prefers not to have the pop-ups they can simply deactivate them in their own settings.

Once you've finished choosing the limits of the notification, click the 'Done' button and this will take you back to the groups notification page. You will now see that a summary of the notification, and its settings, appears on the page. 

If you wish to delete this notification click the 'Remove' option at the end of the notification's summary line.

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