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Setting Priority for Files Using Ranks

Ranks can be helpful if you would like to organise and find Files by something like image quality or usage preference

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

Ranks can be used to order or filter Files in your search results. You’re also able to view the Ranks for Files in the search results and in the File’s information.

Customizing Ranks

When OpenAsset is first installed the Rank opinions are set to:

  • 1 - Very High

  • 2 - High

  • 3 - Satisfactory

  • 4 - Low

  • 5 - Very Low

You are able to customise these options and have a different set of options for Project and Non-Project Files. You are also able to rename Rank to something like 'Image Quality' or 'Marketing Preference'. You can read more about this here.

Sorting by Ranks

You are able to sort the File search results by Rank so you can surface your best or most appropriate Files when searching.

Viewing Ranks

Ranks are visible when viewing the individual File on the File page.

You can also see them in the information presented when you click the 'More' button on a File on the File search page.

And you can choose to view Ranks on your search results.

Setting Ranks for Files

As an administrator, you are able to set the Rank for the File on the File information page.

You’re also able to set the Ranks for many Files at once via the File batch editor.

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