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Editing Project Information

This article shows you how to update information such as location, employee roles and keywords for your Projects

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

Projects provide the structure with which to organize your assets in OpenAsset. Ensuring that your projects contain relevant information is key to making them searchable within your system.

You can access your Project Portfolio by selecting 'Projects' from the header menu.

Finding Projects Lacking Information

The Project Portfolio enables you to identify projects that are missing information such as Hero Images, locations, files and keywords. You can do this by using the Data tab to filter on projects that are missing information in these fields.

For example, to select projects that are missing a Location, select the 'Location' drop-down menu and click 'No Location'.

Finding Projects with Incomplete Fields

You can also identify Projects with incomplete fields. To do so, select the 'Add Field Filter' button from the Fields menu.

You can create a Project Field Filter to identify any projects where a specific field is empty. Select your chosen field, then select 'is Empty' from the drop down menu. The following example would display all Projects that are missing a Project Description. Then select 'Add Filter and Close'.

Editing Project Information

From the Project page, you can access the Fields, Keywords, Location and Employee Roles for your selected Project by selecting links in the header menu.

Edit Project Keywords

Editing Keywords allows you to edit the tags that describe key aspects of your Project. These Project Keywords ensure your Project - and the Files that live within it - can be easily discovered in the future. Because your Project Keywords are so important, we have a separate article focused on Editing Project Keywords, here.

Edit Project Fields

Editing Fields allows you to edit the information that appears on the Project Overview page. This includes information such as the Project Description, client name, size and completion date.

Edit Project Location

The Project Location will display the location of the Project in Google Maps within the Project page. You can edit the location by dragging the pin, or by entering the address manually into the search menu. Click here for more information about setting the Project Location.

Edit Employee Roles

If your firm has enabled the Employee Module in your OpenAsset system, you can attach Employee objects to your project page. This will enable you to display the employees who worked on this project, along with their project roles, and start and end dates.

Other Ways to Manage Project Information

If your firm uses a CRM like Deltek Vision as the source of truth for project information, you can use the Deltek Connector to automatically synchronise data between OpenAsset and Deltek. We offer connectors to a range of CRM systems.

If you have large amounts of data to import into your projects, our Support Team can assist you with this process. Using our Data Migration Service, we can run scripts to import files and metadata into your OpenAsset system. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

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