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Managing Employee Files

Attach Files to Employees. Set Primary Photos. Control Files seen on the Employee Page.

Piers Lowe avatar
Written by Piers Lowe
Updated over 9 months ago

You can attach Files stored in your OpenAsset system to Employee profiles so that you can easily find them. You are likely going to want to attach images of the person to the Employee but any kind of File can be attached (eg. documents, video, audio). Note if you are using our AI Facial Recognition feature, you won't need to spend time attaching images as explained on this page.

Note, you need Edit permission for Employees to perform the actions explained on this page.

Managing Employee Files

There are 2 ways of doing this depending if you are managing Files for 1 Employee or for multiple in one session.

To mange Files for 1 Employee, go to the Employee's Page and click the "Manage Files" button.

To manage Files for multiple Employees in one session, from the Employee Search Page, create a selection of Employees by clicking the checkboxes on the image thumbnails.

TIP: Use the Data menu to find employees with few or no images attached, or lacking Primary Photos.

Select the 'Manage Files' icon to the right of the page. This will open your all of your selected Employees into the Manage Files screen so you can work with them in one session.

Attaching Images to Employees within the Employee section

If you have the name of an Employee stored in the filename or the file metadata of an image, you can quickly attach images in your system to this employee.

In the Manage Files screen that opens you will see the Employees that you selected on the left. On the right you have tools to manage the Files of an individual Employee. That Employee's name will automatically populate the search field. This searches filenames, File Keywords, description and caption Fields.

You are free to change the search term or the category filter if you would like to attach a File from elsewhere.

For any Files that are returned in the search results, you are able to click them to attach them to the Employee.

Or you can click again to detach it.

To view all of your attached Files for the Employee, click the "Attached Files" tab:

If you have selected a few Employees to manage, clicking the "Save & Go Next" button will take you to the next Employee in the list.

Setting an Employee's Primary Photo within the Employee Section

The Primary Photo is the main photo used to represent the Employee in OpenAsset and is typically used as the image that represents them in resumes generated by OpenAsset.

To set this, go to the Manage Files screen and click the Attached Files tab. Then hover over the image you want to select and click the "Set Primary Photo" button in the top left (person icon).

Setting the Primary Photo moves it to be the first in the list and gives it a yellow border.

You can also set Primary Photos from the File Page. See below.

Attaching Employees to Files from the File Page

When looking at an individual File on the File Page, you are able to attach one or more Employees. To do this click the People tab on the right:

Then search for the Employee that you would like to attach. If the Employee already exists, they should come up in the suggestions. Alternatively you can choose to create a new Employee.

To detach an Employee from an image, click the X button.

TIP: If you have multiple Files that you would like attach to an Employee, you can use the batch editor as explained here.

Setting a Primary Photo from the File Page

To set an image as a Primary Photo for an Employee from the File Page, click the "Set Primary Photo" button (person icon).

Controlling the images seen on the Employee Profile with Access Levels

You may want to restrict visibility of files on the main Employee Profile pages so that only professional or marketing approved shots appear. You are able to do this using Access Levels. This can be particularly useful if you using AI Facial Recognition.

To set this go: Settings > System Preferences > Employees > Employee Profile Access Level

Then set the Access Level that you would like to be visible on Employee Profile pages.

Your Access Levels may have alternative names depending on how your OpenAsset is configured. But for example:

  • Green (Only green visible)

  • Amber (Amber and green visible)

  • Red (All visible)

Setting Access Levels on Files within the Employee Section

If you are restricting visibility of images on Employee profile by Access Level, it can be useful to set the Access Levels on individual images within the Employee. To do this go to the Manage Files screen for the Employee and click on the Attached Files tab. You can then change the Access Levels for the files by clicking on the menus beneath each File.

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