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Uploading Employee Photos to your System

How to upload employee photos to your Staff category

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

If you have a category for employee photos in your system, you can upload images straight to this category. These images can then be attached to Employees and assigned as Primary Photos.

Creating a Category for Employee Photos

Categories are used to differentiate between your project-related files, like site images and renderings, and non-project files, like staff headshots and reference images.

Categories are accessible from the main header menu, enabling you to quickly find assets within this category.

'Staff' is typically one of the default categories in your OpenAsset system, which you can use for employee photos.

To create a new Category in your system, please contact our Support Team.

Uploading Images to your Staff Category

Select the 'Upload' icon from the top header menu. Then drag and drop your chosen employee photos anywhere into the browser window. This will launch the file uploader.

Select the Category used for employee photos.

If you wish to, you can add these files to an Album or add text to the filename for each file in your upload. Then select 'Continue to the Uploader'.

The Upload Overview screen allows you to apply metadata and keywords to selections of files at the point of upload. Using the 'File Info' and 'Keywords' menus to the right of your browser window, you can quickly apply this information to your files.

For a comprehensive overview of using the file uploader, read this article.

Note: each category has its own keyword structure. For example, your 'Staff' image category will have file keywords relevant to this type of imagery.

When you have finished tagging your images, select 'Complete Upload'.

You will be asked to confirm that you want to complete the upload. When you select 'Complete', all the files in your upload will become available in your OpenAsset system. You can then attach them to Employees.

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