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Installing the Deltek Vision Connector

Follow these steps to install the Deltek Vision on your OpenAsset system

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over 2 years ago

The Deltek Vision Connector is available as an add-on in your OpenAsset system. Contact your CSM to discuss enabling it.

In order to install the Deltek Vision Connector in your OpenAsset system, there are four steps to follow.

1. Supply your Deltek Vision server URL to the OpenAsset Support Team

2. Supply a read-only access OpenAsset account to the OpenAsset Support Team

We use the Deltek Vision API, which requires a user account.

  • Create an OAINTEGRATION role in Vision.

  • Add the user account to this role. We will need the username and password for this account.

3. Configure the 'OAINTEGRATION' roles as follows

General Tab

  • Type of Role: Accounting, CRM

  • Info Center: Employees, Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, Projects are checked 

  • Ensure the 'Allow Access to SOAP API' checkbox is ticked

Record Access Tab

  • Applications: Employees, Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, Projects set to 'Read Only'

Accounting Tab

  • Uncheck ALL

  • Set 'Project Budget Worksheet' to 'Read Only'

Planning Tab

  • Uncheck ALL

4. Configure the 'Access Rights'

If you  have the 'multiple companies' functionality on in Deltek Vision, you will also have to edit the 'Access Rights' Tab. Here, you will need to choose 'Companies' from the Functional Area dropdown and then check the 'Full access to all companies' checkbox.

Note: OpenAsset provides a Deltek Connector, which by design allows a one way data transfer from Deltek to OpenAsset via a Deltek published secure API. It is the sole responsibility of you and your Deltek Administrator to determine both what database fields are published, and what data is approved for transfer into OpenAsset.

OpenAsset’s responsibility extends as a Sub-Processor of data which, when passed to us from Deltek, is subject to our strict Data Protection and Encryption policies. To limit access to specific fields, we recommend contacting Deltek Support for assistance in configuring more granular permission levels.

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