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Saving & Sharing Your Searches

How to save frequently used searches and share them with individuals or groups within your firm

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

If you often use the same searches, you can use the Saved Search feature to save time. Simply perform the search once, save it with a memorable name, and then the next time you want to perform that search just type in the name of your saved search and select it when it appears in the search suggestions.

Save a Search

The Saved Search option can be found at the far end of any Search Trail you build. To save a search, enter your search terms then select the 'Save' icon.

Enter a memorable name for the search in the window that appears, then select 'Create Saved Search'.

View Saved Searches

To view Saved Searches, select a link from the 'Search by' menu.

Clicking on the 'All' link takes you to the Saved Searches main page as displayed below. If you hover over one of the Saved Searches the details of that search are displayed on the right side of the page.

To find your own saved searches, select 'Owned by me' from the 'Type' drop-down menu.

If you are looking for a search you recently saved, you can reorder the list of saved searches displayed on the page using the 'Order' option. Choose the option 'Date Created Reversed' and the saved search you're looking for should jump to the top of the list.

Edit Saved Searches

To edit a saved search click the 'Edit' button that sits next to the specific saved search on the Saved Search main page.

From the following pop-up window, you can add or remove terms from your Saved Search as well as update the name.

To prevent anyone else from editing your saved search, select the 'Locked' option.

To make the saved search viewable by everyone, select the 'Company Saved Search' option.

When you are done editing your saved search click the 'Save' button to return to the Saved Searches main page.

Share a Saved Search With the Whole Company

As well as using the 'Edit' pop-up window, you can select the 'Set as Company Saved Search' link on the details that appear on the right of the page when you hover over a saved search title, on the Saved Searches main page.

Share a Saved Search With an Individual or Group

To share a saved search with a particular individual or group select the 'Modify Sharing' option from within the saved search details that appear on the right of the page when you hover over a saved search title, on the Saved Searches main page.

Clicking on this option produces a pop-up window that allows you to choose who the saved search can be shared with. Simply type in a User or Group, select 'can modify' if you wish to give them the option of editing the saved search, and then click add. Once you have finished click the save button at the bottom of the pop up window.

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