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Setting Up Content Assist

Configure Content Assist for your OpenAsset system, enabling users to leverage Generative AI for project descriptions and employee bios

CJ Teeter avatar
Written by CJ Teeter
Updated over a week ago

What is Content Assist?

Content Assist, powered by OpenAsset's Generative AI, is designed to assist users in creating project descriptions and employee bios within OpenAsset. In simple terms, Content Assist will analyse the existing data in your OpenAsset system to create original project descriptions and employee bios.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Content Assist useful?

There are two key scenarios in which Content Assist will help you:

  • Speed up proposal workflows - generating project descriptions and employee bios can be a time-consuming process. Content Assist will enable your team to generate this content on-demand, so they can keep content up to date using the latest information available in your system.

  • Accelerate your onboarding - if you are building out your OpenAsset system and have some project and employee data available, Content Assist can accelerate the process of generating project overviews and employee profiles.

Who can use this feature?

  • Enabling Content Assist - Content Assist is an opt-in feature, which must be enabled within your System Preferences. System Administrators are able to enable the feature, and once it is activated the Content Assist feature will be accessible to all users with the relevant permissions.

  • Using Content Assist - any users who have the relevant permissions to edit Project Descriptions or Employee Bios will have access to the Content Assist feature. The ability to edit Project Descriptions is gated by the permission 'Edit additional project field values', and Employee Bios is gated by 'Edit Employees'. Contact OpenAsset Support if you are unsure how to configure group permissions.

Is my data secure?

Yes. The Content Assist feature is developed according to OpenAsset’s Secure Software Development Lifecycle and governed by strict Data Protection and Privacy Policies. OpenAsset encrypts all sensitive data in transit using TLS 1.2 at minimum with common secure ciphers and encrypts data at rest using AES-256.

Note: Content Assist's GPT-3.5 model is a closed model, built from baseline GPT 3.5 data. This is an OpenAI base model, which has previously been trained using publicly available data. As a result of this, you may see information not found in your OpenAsset system appearing within the content you generate. This is perfectly normal.

For a comprehensive overview of the Content Assist Data Flow, see the diagram below:

Do Content Assist or OpenAI learn from my data?

No. OpenAsset data interpreted by Content Assist is never used to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI’s service offering.

Enabling Content Assist

Content Assist is an opt-in feature, which must be enabled in your system. If you are a System Administrator, you can do this by navigating to your 'System Preferences' within your System Settings.

Content Assist for Project Descriptions and Employee Bios must be enabled individually. If your firm does not utilise the Employee Module, you will only need to activate Content Assist for Project Descriptions.

To do so, select the 'Activate AI Bio / Description' buttons.

After selecting the button, you will be presented with the full Privacy Policy. Select 'Activate' and then remember to click 'Save changes' at the top of the page.

Configuring Content Assist for Employee Bios

In order for Content Assist to operate, you must designate a multi-line Hero Field for the output. The Hero Field is the field which appears first on the Employee page and we recommend that you select a Biography-type field or similar for this purpose. To do so, find the relevant field in your Field Manager and select the Edit icon.

Then select the 'Set as hero field' checkbox before clicking 'Apply & Close'.

The Content Assist feature will input information from all searchable employee fields, except for grid and multi-line fields. Individual users can also opt for the service to input Employee Roles. In this instance, Content Assist will use the top three roles, as displayed on the Employee Overview page.

Configuring Content Assist for Project Descriptions

In order for Content Assist to operate, you must have at least one Project Keyword assigned to a particular project, and have a designated multi-line Hero Field for the output. The Hero Field is the field which appears first on the Project Overview page and we recommend that you select a description-type field or similar for this purpose. To do so, find the relevant field in your Field Manager and select the Edit icon.

Then select the 'Set as hero field' checkbox before clicking 'Apply & Close'.

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